In vivo pharmacokinetics screening
As we realize the importance of speedy data delivery during drug discovery, we offer a PK screening service for our customers. As a frequently occurring screening, the data can be delivered within one week!
The study formulations (small molecules) are dosed to study animals (mouse or rat) and plasma samples are collected and analyzed by UPLC/MS/MS. The assay requires a minimum of three compounds per batch.
The assay is available as a stand-alone service or as part of integrated drug discovery projects at Symeres.
Test concentrations: 1
Time points: 6
Replicates: 3
UPLC/MS/MS analysis
In in vivo DMPK studies, compounds are administered to rodents and samples collected over a pre-defined time period. The dosing regimen and sampling are designed according to the project needs and prior information available on the study compounds, and the concentration-time data can be summarized using non-compartmental analysis (NCA) or compartmental modelling. Several options are available for bioanalytics, and the methods are always optimized for the study compounds instead of using generic methods. Furthermore, when LC/HR-MS is used, the same data can be used later for metabolite identification and profiling.